Meaning behind my name:
My family came over from Ireland from the County Tyrone.
So things that are Irish or Celtic hold a lot of meaning for me!
Ive recently found out that I'm part Scottish too!
And I'm related to a man named William Lawson, The Scottish Rebel.
So, I thought the Celtic Rebel was fitting ;)

Some of you may have known me as Unique Crafts by Patti!
Ive been around since 2006!
I make a variety of stuff! Mainly jewelry,
but I like to dabble in all kinds of things. One of my weaknesses are purses, bags!
And I'm gonna try my hand at making some! Wish me luck lol

I'm a stay at home mommy, with 4 boys!
There's never a dull moment around here hehe
I have Fibromyalgia, along with other stuff.
Sometimes it hurts so bad to even look at my tray where my Jewelry making stuff is.
But I love what I do so much...I won't stop!

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I hate...HATE the pain!

Yeah, it has been. Just not felt too good. A lot of pain, especially in my hips, back and feet. Fibro just sucks, you know it? Im so tired of being in pain. Im tired of not being able to do what I SHOULD be doing!
Fibro just doesnt affect your muscles and stuff. It also affects so much more...for me anyways. It affects my poor noggin! I cant remeber things anymore! Well, it affects my short term memory. You ask me what happened years ago, and I can tell you. But you ask me what happened 5 minutes ago...BLANK!! Just start calling me Dory! ;)
I get consistent migraines, I get these "lightening" paings that go through my head, my jaw is starting to hurt. Im CONSTANTLY tired!! ...UGH Like right now, I cant think of ALL that Fibro affects!
Im just tired!
I cant really describe the pain, unless you have it.
I have so many friends that have Fibro. EDS. RA. Its so sad. I love you all.
All I know is when I try to describe my pain to someone who doesnt have this, they always have the same look. The look of, "Im sorry youre hurting, but I have no idea what youre talking about!" Thats understandable. But when you talk to someone about it and you describe the pain, Ive had a couple people look at me like, "Yeah RIGHT!" I have even had one person say, "Well, Im sorry, but I dont believe you. How can you be in that much pain and still do what you do???"
I looked at this person and couldnt find the words.
Then I thought about what she said... How can I be in this much pain and still do what I do? Well, let me tell ya...
Im in tons of pain, yes...But I have hope! My boys keep me going. My boys need me! THEY are the reason I get up every morning! I get up in the morning and have to sit on the side of my bed for a few minutes, because I feel like Ive been beat up, like someone has taken a baseball bat to me all night!!...and I have to wait for a few for everything to dull and stop throbbing as much. Then, I slowly start walking, usually to the kitchen to start my coffee, and try to get the day started.
I may not be the most active mom...I cant run or chase my boys or things like that, but damn it my babies know I love them and I do what I can with them! We usually color together or play cards...stuff like that! I love my babies and would do anything for keep them keep them smiling.

My hubs is pretty supportive. He helps me when he can. He's in pain too...what a pair we are! LOL We both try to help each other, encourage each other. Love you babyboy!

*sigh*Sorry for the pity party. I just need to vent sometimes. And I know several of my friends will understand this, if they read it.